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Shadow of a Doubt




Zenoir's defences are down, now's the time to strike. For years - YEARS - he's terrorised millions of people all over the world, he's killed countless of them, so it had to stop.
  I'd rallied up a group of any and all Supernaturals that I could find, ones willing to fight and quite possibly die in order to save the world. Literally.

  Though his defences were down, Zenoir was still more powerful than ever; he could take on a hundred people at once and emerge without a scratch, so we had to be not only skilled, but smart, and strategic.

  To be frank, I was terrified. I'm a passive person. 'He'd never hurt a fly, old Kurt Tonkin.' But now I had to do more than hurt a fly; I had to kill a man, a man who I'd learned to be a part of my family, whose father was responsible for the seat of a hundred of my family members, but whose mother is responsible for my entire existence.

  Too many lives had been lost, too many innocent people had died for his cause, but it had to stop.

Coming soon to Wattpad!
Shadow of a Doubt: Text
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